Career Advice
The #1 Reason Why Change is So Difficult and What You Can Do About It
Change is challenging. You may have an idea about something that you want to pursue or something different that you’d like to experience in your life. Whatever it is, there is a part of you that will do everything in its power to prevent change. That part of you will resist the becoming of your best self – even though it’s totally good for you. It’ll come up with excuses. It’ll procrastinate.
Path Unclear? Here’s One Simple Solution When You’re Feeling Stuck!
What do you do when your path seems unclear? My simple answer – You make the decision to get moving. One of my favorite quotes is, “Take the first step in faith. You don’t have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step.” by Martin Luther King, Jr. You don’t have to know the full plan. Instead, let your path unfold, one step at a time.
10 Signs That You’ve Found the Perfect Career (and What to Do if You Haven’t)
Whether you’re a 9 to 5-er or an entrepreneur, there’s nothing more fulfilling than doing work every day that perfectly aligns with your natural talents and interests. However, there’s nothing more frustrating than going to a job every day that you hate. So, how do you know if you’ve found the right fit? Here are 10 signs to let you if you’re on the right path.
4 Ways to Make Your Vision and Goals Stick!
Whether you're working on personal or professional goals, there are several things that you can do to make your goals a reality. Below are 4 fun and super easy ideas to make your vision and goals stick.
The Secret to Loving Your Mondays!
If you hate Mondays, you have the power to change whatever it is that you hate about the day. If you hate your job, you can get another one. If you have an entrepreneurial spirit and hate going to a job every day, then create a plan and take massive action to fire that job. Love what you do. Then, every day of the week will be lovely!
The Key To Becoming Limitless!
Should I start a new business? Should I leave my company? Should I accept a new job? Should I move to a new city? Decisions. Decisions. Decisions. What should you do? My answer – Whatever takes you outside of your comfort zone!