By Khalilah Starks

Today, I’m picking on writing about office talkers. These social butterflies come to your office every day (sometimes multiple times a day) to shoot the breeze and can never seem to take a hint when it’s time to leave. They’re usually really nice people that have the gift of gab. But, as they continue to talk, all that goes through your mind is how much work you have to do and how you’d really like for them to leave. If you’ve ever fallen victim to the incessant office talker, you know how difficult it can be to get them out of your office.

I’ve found that, with these people, the indirect approach really doesn’t work. For example, turning your chair away from the person to look at your computer screen with the intention of sending a clear, non-verbal message that you’re focused on your work, probably won’t work. And, don’t think that you can simply say, “I have so much work to do,” hoping that they’ll take a hint, because they’ll probably use that statement to transition into another conversation.

So, how do you politely get these incessant talkers out of your office? The Culture and Manner Institute provides an Etiquette Tip of the Week that I simply must share. Their tip is as follows:

“Some people can talk like it is an Olympic sport. When someone repeatedly drops by your office or cubicle and talks non-stop, it can feel like a hostage situation, because it ties you up and prevents you from completing business. What can you do? Smile and say, “I am sorry to interrupt, but I have to focus on this project” or “I need to get back to work.” You may add, “Thank you for stopping by.” Then continue with your work.”

Simple enough! And, if YOU happen to be the Social Butterfly of the office, learn to take a hint. I’m sure that everyone loves you. Why? Because everyone loves the Social Butterfly! It’s your gift. So, by all means, stop by to say hello! An occasional chat is okay and certainly welcomed! The key is to not go overboard.