Dear Reader,

I get this question all of the time. And, I know what you’re thinking. Do employers really expect me to say that I see myself working for them in five years when 1) I know that’s not the truth and 2) most people don’t even stay at jobs longer than three years? The short answer – yes! When a company hires you, they are making an investment. And, their hope is that it’s a long term investment. Once hired, they will train and develop your skill sets to perform at the highest level which requires time, company resources and money. So, the last thing that they want to hear is that you expect to leave once they’ve poured all of their resources in you. You’re essentially saying, “I’m going to get everything that I can from you and then take it to another company so that they can benefit.” This proposition offers little return on investment for the company.

So, the next time you get that question in an interview, remix it in your mind and answer it as if you were asked – “If you’re still here in five years, where do you see yourself?” To effectively answer your remixed question, you have to conduct research on the company to determine possible career paths within that company. Your answer should show that your long term goal is a logical career path that can be accomplished within that organization. Besides, you may think that you’re only going to stay with a company for 3 years, but end of staying significantly longer. Stranger things have happened.

Khalilah Starks
Founder, High Powered Professional