Career Advice
4 Ways to Get Unstuck Right Now!
You have an idea! A brilliant idea! A dream that excites you! But, the way your currently reality is set up…it seems impossible. Maybe it’s the sobering responsibilities of life (i.e. kids, mortgage, etc.) that’s keeping you on your current path. Here are Four Ways to Get Unstuck Right Now!
Finding Value in Negative Experiences
Job loss, a failed pitch, an awfully executed presentation – yes, there’s opportunity in all of it. It doesn’t feel so good though when it happens. Especially, when it impacts your bank account. Losses never feel good! But, there’s always a silver lining. Shift your focus on the positive and you’ll find that silver lining quickly. Every experience, especially the ones that you perceive as negative, brings the opportunity for growth or something better.
Dream Big and Take Massive Action in 2016!!
Happy New Year!! The new year is an amazing gift. It’s an opportunity to push the restart button. Of course, you can push the restart button at any time of the year. But, the energy and optimism that the new year brings just makes it the perfect time.
6 Steps To Bounce Back From Failure
It’s inevitable though. At some point, you will fail, make a bad decision, use poor judgment or simply make a mistake. And, when you do, here are 6 steps to make a sweet comeback.
4 Ways To Find Your Path To Career Bliss
Your gifts and talents will set you free! I believe that the more a person is allowed to use and develop their natural strengths and talents, the more fulfilling and satisfied they will be with their career.
Stop Playing It So Safe With Your Career (and Life)!
“The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it. But, that it’s too low and we reach it.” This really resonated with me because many of us are aiming too low - in life and in our careers.